Νέα Premium σειρά αλλαντικών ΧρυσοΔάλια Golden

Now that the need for a healthier lifestyle is becoming more and more imperative, we all - more or less - are changing our eating habits. This does not mean, however, that we should cook with complicated and expensive ingredients, nor sacrifice the pleasure. The global shift towards premium cold cuts options, which is now coming to Cyprus, helps us to make easy, fast, and nutritious food, with flavors that we love. But how do premium cold cuts stand out from all the rest?

Low fat: These are excellent cold cuts such as lean chicken, turkey, and pork leg, made from dialect pieces of meat. They give us many options to make delicious dishes with rich taste, while we reduce the calories in each bite and give the required importance to a balanced diet.

High protein content: Look for cold cuts with the appropriate label to make sure you will be full easily and enjoyable, while you will benefit from high nutritional value proteins that enhance muscle strength and function as a valuable source of energy.

Gluten-Free: Many cold cuts contain gluten in their ingredients. Premium ‘gluten-free’ options, however, keep antibody levels at normal levels, lead to easy and immediate absorption of nutrients and help us avoid bloating, which is often due to intolerance.

The new line of cold cuts ChrysoDalia Golden, cleverly combines a nutritious diet with taste, offering quick and easy solutions for delicious creations, with enjoyable and healthy orientation. Choose turkey breast, chicken breast, and pork leg with low fat, high protein, and gluten-free, for irresistible creations with cold cuts that really raise the level!